
It was my honor to serve three great cities in America over a span of nearly eight years. As the Chief Information Officer of my hometown of El Paso, Texas, Chief Information Officer of the City and County of San Francisco, and Chief Technology Officer of New York City.

Consistently across those cities, my teams and I pushed the boundaries on how technology could impact local communities. We designed free public wifi access networks that helped ensure that everyone, everywhere, could access the opportunities and resources available online. We transformed digital services strategies to focus on improving services to residents and visitors. We reinvented the public-private partnership relationships between government, business, and non-profit organizations in alignment with the needs and wants of the public.

Leading the technology operations and services departments also gave me the opportunity to rearchitect infrastructure and software services to create efficiencies, improve security, and increase the overall effectiveness of the role of IT systems and people in local government.

Along the way, we were recognized with awards and recognition around the world. This created a long-lasting global impact and relationship network of colleagues that have turned into friendships that continue even today.